I'm fully grown now, I am learning new things every day. I love meeting new pups that mum is training. It helps me too. I have made some amazing friends and although I no longer have Misty to guide me I have Mum.   I think I am such a lucky pup.           


  Well a new year and a new me. I had my first major groom over Christmas. I think I look the bees knees.  

I've also got a new best friend after a few months we are now officially Besties.  Cat and dog in harmony. 

    Happy new year.

New year New haircut. 

I was very good for mum no squirming no wriggling and I listened to every request she made to lift my head raise my legs and stay real still when she was cutting near my face.  

Christmas was very exciting and I had loads of presents all which I thoroughly loved. I even got some presents from my mum's customers.   It really does matter when you behave yourself.  

I've grown quite a bit now and mum thinks I'm now fully grown. Just the right size she says. 

Now I'm 8 months old mum is teaching me more advance training. I'm loving every minute of it.  


        I cannot believe it I'm 6 months old now, it only seems like yesterday when mum was bringing me home. 

I'm such a lucky pup, I have great walks and I really enjoy my training. I love to meet new pups and I love to help my mum.  Such a wonderful life. 


I'm growing fast and learning new things all the time. I love exploring on my walks with the other dogs, and I love trying new things. I learnt to climb fallen tress and go swimming in big puddles. I love swimming in the streams on our walks and sometimes I dig a hole or two. I'm looking for buried treasure. 😉

I have made some great doggy  friendships, I'm learning that not every dog doesn't love to play. They should it's great fun. 

I'm learning a lot about humans too. Some are scared of me. Some are scared even when they have a dog and I don't like that and I have to tell them so. Mum tells me off and says I have to learn to be quiet. 

I'm loving everything and especially my family ❤️. 


  I'm just loving all of this I get to meet new dogs and puppies all the time and I have formed some great friendships.  I love being mum ambassador for her business and I've learnt so much.   You can see  from my photos how much I have grown.   



I am learning fast and growing in to what mum says  is a brilliant balanced dog.  I show off my talents to all of Mum's customers and I am learning how to show mums customers pups how to behave. 

I love playing with them all and joining them on our walks. 

See my photo. 

 You can see how big I'm getting too. 


  I'm growing so fast now I'm almost a professional dog.  Mum has been working with me and my training on distance commands, I am really good at sit and stay. I'm learning how to walk slow and stop, I haven't quite mastered that one . I am working really hard and I love pleasing mum. 

I'm also making great friends with my cat.



   I love playing with all my mum's customers and I am learning so much.  I'm learning to be sociable, and be calm. I have even started to influence a couple of mum's customer puppies, myself.  That's a big step for such a pup. I'm up to the challenge.   See the photo of me showing two of mums customers how to sit and wait for our dinner. 



I'm loving my walks you can see me smile 


So after just a few short weeks with my family I'm now part of mum's business I go and meet dogs using my unique ability to communicate with mum's doggie customers. 

I am so calm and already have learnt so much ,  mum takes me to introduce me as a pup in training and what mum's customers can expect if they work with their pup.  

It's brilliant I get to meet all different kinds of dogs and have great fun in the process.           


I had my first walk it was amazing.  I didn't wonder off to far from mum and my doggie friends were teaching me how to behave.  It was great. 



 So I have been with my family for just over three weeks now, it feels like I have been here forever. I'm doing really well on my training, I have learnt to sit on command and down. I give me paw and I wait for any treats and my dinner.  Which is a bit boring compared to what my sister gets. I rather eat hers, although it does upset my tummy sometimes when I eat too much of it when no one is looking.  

I'm very good at leaving items alone although I want to bite everything. 

Most of all I looking forward to going outside for a proper walk. Where my feet can touch the ground.  I can go running with my other doggies friends .          


I have a new best friend this is my favourite toy we often snuggle together.  


What a Great time I'm having I've met so many dogs, I've been out on walks without walking, I am in training, and I'm learning all the time. I got a new friend he's very big but I don't care 


I had loads of house guests today, I had to learn how to get along with them. I am learning that if they don't want to play I have to leave them alone.  I was told off a couple of times but I soon got the message.  But when they do want to play it's great fun.  



 I visited the vets today.  It's s bit weird, just me and the vet  mum is not allowed in. I got my second injection, I don't remember the first one, but I expect I will remember this one.  I also got a weird tasting round thing apparently it's good for worms. I don't know why I was given it.  Lol.  

I had a full check up and my weight is good.  The vet was very happy with me.  Well she would be, I am good. 🐾


Me and my new big sister.  She is teaching me everything I need to know. 
carn't get any better than this.  

Even the cat came to check me out. 


Im loving this life. I got out in the great fresh air, my little feet didn't even touch the ground. There are so many smells , sounds and loads of things to see. I wasn't scared at all, I knew Mum will keep me safe. 


I have been in my new home for a few days now, I'm loving it. I have met loads of other dogs and I love it.   I started my training after a couple of days to settle in, what a wonderful time that is.  


 I arrived home I met my new dog sister and cat brother.  He has attitude, but we will become great friends. 

I have been a little restless settling in to my new sleeping arrangements,  but my mum is patient and before long I be settled.   


I had a good journey home.  I cannot wait to meet everyone and see my new home.  It'so so exciting.